Friday, January 28, 2011

back on the wagon

Tomorrow, I'm back on the wagon. What wagon, you ask? Oh, right, I haven't told you. Well, that's because I don't like to tell people. But luckily, no people read this, so I can say it: I'm on a diet. More specifically, on Weight Watchers. And the reason I don't like to tell people is because I usually get this reaction: "but why?" Because I want to learn how to juggle, of course! (For anyone who didn't catch it, that's sarcasm.) I want to lose weight. I don't feel well at my current weight and I know that I can be smaller and feel better. However, getting to this point is hard. No one ever said it wasn't.

I haven't done well all week, but yesterday was the kicker. With those mini cupcakes shown in my last post came a lot of batter-tasting, then frosting-tasting, and followed, of course, by final-product-tasting. And there is a whole other cake that you don't even know about... well, until now. I still had a lot of coffee left so I tried another recipe. It didn't make it on yesterday's post because it was a disaster. I had no cocoa left so I substituted melted chocolate, which meant I had to reduce the shortening. (Just saying, that's a lot of tweaking...) But melted chocolate doesn't do well with cold milk because it hardens. No biggie though - I figured tiny chunks of chocolate in the batter could actually enhance the cake. What did not enhance the cake, however, were the chunks of flour that never blended in the batter. I saw them, I did, but I decided to ignore them. Laziness is not forgiven in baking and so, the cake is gross. It's not appetizing and it doesn't taste very good. Not exactly the result I was going for. The biggest problem in all of this isn't only the result of the cake, but the fact that I have actually been secretly eating it!!! *Sigh* I think this right there disqualifies me from being a "foodie." Who eats an unappetizing and not-very-good cake just because it's there!? Not a foodie! Oooh, foodie-in-me, you are too well hidden.

Pictures for the benefit of full disclosure. Look at those flour chunks, people!
chocolate cake, FAIL

I had to end the mindless cake-eating. The cake's final resting place:
chocolate cake, FAIL

I have a plan. Tomorrow morning, I am making myself a smoothie with those clementines I'm trying to finish up (yep, still working on that crate). I'll have a salad at our lunch outing, and be careful at dinner. I need to psych myself up because this week is going to be hard: I'll be on a business trip all week - in ORLANDO! Perhaps the possibility of getting into a bathing suit will scare me into a little healthy eating!? Stay tuned!

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